Friday, November 29, 2019

Police and Evidence-based Policing free essay sample

Evidence-Based-Policing Written by Desiree Rosch Instructor Atthur Moghalu Introduction to Criminal Justice Evidence-based policing is a style of policing that uses research to create or change policies to increase effectiveness. Lawrence W Sherman, an academic criminologist, is credited with making the term Evidence-based Policing (EBP) popular. During a lecture Sherman stated, Police practices should be based on scientific evidence about what works best. Starting in the 1960s several organizations were formed to conduct studies on how to better prevent crime and increase the publics confidence in law enforcement.The first of which was the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration created by Congress in 1969. There are many benefits to using an evidence-based policing stance, such as being able to see the actual results of your policies. This enables an agency to make necessary changes to the way they operate inorder to accomplish their missions more effectively, such as changing where and when units patrol certain areas. We will write a custom essay sample on Police and Evidence-based Policing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also allows them to come up with completely new programs and procedures they may not have developed on their own.The disadvantage of using research to change the way a law enforcement agency operates is that those changes may be expensive to implement. The agency may even find that the way they approach a situation could be completely wrong according to the research. Another problem with an evidence-based policing system is that the results may be accurate for where the study took place, but may not reflect the samedata you would obtain in another area. Things like income, education levels, backgrounds, cultures, etc can influence the effectiveness of procedures based on studies in another location. The Kansas City Experiment in 1974 is the most well known example of studies done on law enforcement. The results of this study were not what researchers were expecting. The agency found that increased patrol units had no effect on either crimes committed or the publics perception of how safe they were. These findings changed the way many agencies allot their patrol units. Another study conducted in Redlands, California was on the procedure of sending a follow up unit to make contact with a domestic violence victim after the initial call.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Diversity And Equality In The Workplace Example

Diversity And Equality In The Workplace Example Diversity And Equality In The Workplace – Coursework Example Diversity and Equality in the Workplace affiliation Workplace is experiencing a significant change throughout history, and the change is expected to evolve continuously with time. The workforce of a society reflects the changes that have taken place in the society. For instance, in the past the workforce was dominated by male but currently the female gender has come along and taken various top positions thus stopping the stereotype. Diversity can be defined as the act of acknowledging, valuing and accepting the differences that exist among people. These differences can be physical, ethnical, gender and race among others (Carrell the need to maintain equality in the workplace and prevent gender-based discrimination has been the focus in the workplace. However, various challenges have been noted to encompass the diversity. Sexual harassments, racial and cultural issues and negative attitude due to prejudice and stereotyping of employees have been seen as some of the major challenges o f diversity in the workplace (Morgan organizations that embrace diversity have a wider variety of solutions because employees from different settings bring talents, ideas and experiences. A diverse organization offers a broader service range globally; this is because the employees possess different languages and cultural understanding. Organizations that encourage diversity in the workplace provides an inspiration to its employees to execute functions more efficiently thus increasing the companies productivity. Diversity can be enhanced in an organization when employers treat their employees fairly and equally, this will enhance inclusivity of all the employees. The company should have a written policy that tackles equal opportunities like equal pay reviews, promotions and employment, and the management take steps to fulfil the policies in the workplace. In addition, employees should be educated on their rights and understand what is expected from them (Bennett, 2009).ReferenceBenn ett, T. (2009). New ways of promoting equality and diversity in the workplace: The role of the union equality representative. Equal Opportunities International. Carrell, M.R. & Heavrin, C. (2008). Negotiating essentials: Theory, skills, and practices. Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. ISBN-10: 978-0-13-186866-3.Morgan, J., & Vrdy, F. (2009). Diversity in the workplace. American Economic Review, 99, 472–485.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Urban Un-sustainability Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Urban Un-sustainability - Research Paper Example One of the important options is the immigration of people to big cities from the rural areas and from the surrounding suburbs in search of livelihood. This immigration and other factors are initiating urbanization process all over the world. â€Å"Whereas by turn of century almost half of the world’s population is lived in urban areas; it is expected that this figure will reach to 8.1 billion -60.5% of world population- by year 2030.† (Masnavi, 2007). This unavoidable urbanization brings out both benefits and challenges. The phenomenon of urbanization has been making quite a good ‘impression’ on the skylines of many cities all over the world, and on the lives of people living there as well as on the ones who are migrating to there. However, on the other hand, unstable immigration and the resultant urbanization are negatively affecting the migrating people and importantly the natural environment of that urban area. That is, in the urban areas, there are heig htened industrial developments and other developments including the maximal use of automobiles and other energy driven tools. All these ‘developments’ can play a destructive role as well, with various emissions and other byproducts making the urban areas ecologically unsustainable. So, this paper will discuss how today's urban regions are becoming un-sustainable ecologically, focusing on the principal causes of this urban un-sustainability. Urbanization and Sustainability As urbanization involves development of industries and other career options for the people, and also various social and entertainment options, it entices sizable population. It results in immigration of large scale population to the developing or existing urban areas causing 'physical' growth or expansion of natural land into urban areas. This immigration develops those urban areas and positively impacts the people living there including their standard of living, economic status, etc. â€Å"Cities hav e traditionally provided more jobs than rural areas because cities are the sites of industry, economic development, and educational and cultural opportunities.† (Berg, 2006). However, during this process of urbanization, the urban areas kind of becomes ‘hot spots’, as heightened immigration is leading to the establishment of more industries, more vehicles on the road, in total it leads to the establishment of more environment destructive entities and processes. Ironically, the above mentioned destructive or development activities cannot be avoided or stopped, as it has been providing many developments and comforts to all sections of the society particularly in the urban areas. In that case, the most feasible option is carrying out those developmental activities in a sustainable way. Sustainable way or sustainability in the sense, if those developmental activities are carried out taking into consideration various social aspects and importantly environmental aspects for not only the current times but also the future, then it constitutes sustainable way. â€Å"Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations.† (â€Å"What is sustainability?†

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Introduction to resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Introduction to resource management - Essay Example These can be changed according to the passage of time. It will also occur by the change of environment and by the change of different factors and culture of the society. Technology is a thing that will always change its direction and bring new and innovative things for its users. 6. Industrial and International Relations. For e.g. courts, commissions, government etc. 7. Women Induction in Jobs. Women issues might occur i.e. harassment and discrimination. 8. Career Planning and Development. It is an important step while deciding or developing new business units. A proper and organized, planning and development strategy leads to a great success. 9. Lack of Opportunities. Should notice those opportunities that will give benefit to an organization by observing our competitors. 10. Product Diversification. Product always needs change and diversified strategy to bring improvement and innovation in a product line that will attract customers. Q.2. To what extend does the company need to overhaul the relationship between HRM and its core businesses Relationship between HRM and Business Performance of the Company: According the case study (Financial Times, 22 Dec'1999), Mark and Spencer was facing several problems in their business. They even suffered with great fall and they lost their revenues in a competitive environment of UK. They used the diversified strategy for their company in terms of developing a team of seven people who were responsible for the seven units of Marks and Spencer. As the answer of the question, the company should understand the practices of HRM clearly. They took several wrong decisions that affected their business badly. If they used correct strategies and followed the HRM rules rightly, the problems would not have occurred. Marks and... Team work is very important in human resource management; manager should take along his/her employees and also consult and take their opinions for taking good decisions for their company/organization. The resource management helps managers work together to manage large teams and projects as well. With reference to Pieter.A.Grobler (1996) Strategic HRM issues can occur according to change of environment around business organization. While deciding to create business units we should monitor the following issues: 5. Technological and Environmental Changes. These can be changed according to the passage of time. It will also occur by the change of environment and by the change of different factors and culture of the society. Technology is a thing that will always change its direction and bring new and innovative things for its users. According the case study (Financial Times, 22 Dec'1999), Mark and Spencer was facing several problems in their business. They even suffered with great fall and they lost their revenues in a competitive environment of UK. As the answer of the question, the company should understand the practices of HRM clearly. They took several wrong decisions that affected their business badly. If they used correct strategies and followed the HRM rules rightly, the problems would not have occurred. First of all, the biggest mistake done by Mark and Spencer was that while performing several functions within

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Analysis - Essay Example ts by exhorting the people to alter, to abolish, and to institute a new government when it comes the time when the declaration is already destructive with respect to the rights. Same principles must also apply to uphold the same qualities of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, should there be an alteration of the state’s constitution. The people were also encouraged to look at the declaration as eternal and not fleeting. But, it emphasized the rights of the people to throw off the government if it continually claims constitutionality under shadows of usurpation and abuses. One is really amazed at the constitution’s gist of solid principles. And, if historians are to digest the declaration, there are many things to learn upon the classic example of the America’s Declaration of Independence. Democracy is not only a nomenclature for the kind of government, but also a state or quality of the governanment with life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in the end. It attempts to liberate the people. It attempts to establish the people as partners of the bureaucracy. And, it looks at people as highly-minded constituents, and as collaborators as well. It is learned that the true intentions of the framers of the constitution is to do good for the people and for the people in the next generations; that all people should be guaranteed with the same inalienable rights. It also intends to protect the people against abuses and usurpations. It will always be remembered that the framers had sincerely put in place the safeguards for the people. And, the people should be put away from harm. Lastly, it is comforting to note that the Americans can overcome challenges if it will be united as one. And the global community can take it as a catalyst to provide better lives for the entire

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Impacts on Student Learning and Academic Achievement

Impacts on Student Learning and Academic Achievement Education is the most important part of life to uphold intelligence and human can increase knowledge through which an individual move the world for good and sinful on the basis of his wishes. Education, in fact, is one of the major life processes of human beings, as there are other vital processes to live likewise education, are also a vital process in every aspect of human life. (Ahmer. F Anwer. E, 2013) There are many factors which effects on students learning and academic achievement including student performance, teacher role, family support, school environment, peer relationship and the most important factor is the socioeconomic status of parents. According to Mehmood and Saifi (2011), socioeconomic status is a combined measure of an individual’s or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation.† The home environment is influenced by the factors such as parent’s education, occupation, income, and facilities provided to their children. All these factors together can be defined by a single term the â€Å"socio-economic status† (SES) of parents. Thus we can say that the socioeconomic status of parents affects the performance, learning and academic achievement of students. I have selected this topic because of the multiple reasons; the reason is that being a student I have also face many hurdles during my studies till now so those movements force me to choose this topic. Like me, most of the students in our society also face financial problems. So due to low socioeconomic status students cannot compete and unable to achieve their goal. In addition, they become dependent on parents and parents make decisions for them. Moreover many students end up with psychological problems like stress and depression due to the financial crisis and they can’t achieve their ultimate goal. It is generally said that the performance of students in academic depends on the socioeconomic status of their parents. Higher the socioeconomic status the better exposure to learning facilities. If parents are well educated and economically stable they afford their children to get a better education and they always support their children what they want to do. As in literature, it is also stated that well-educated parents ensure their children’s future earning by providing them auspicious learning environment but the students who belong to a low socioeconomic status family even they can’t afford their basic needs. Such students do not have access to learning facilities. (Ahmer. F Anwer. E, 2013). Research shows that students from lower socioeconomic background faced a higher risk of low achievement as compared to students from a higher socioeconomic background. Home environment and parents education are directly effect on students learning. (Nasreen. A, 2013). So the environment at home is the basic learning unit and effects a child interest and ambitions for the future. If we look upon on our society most people are more interested in rich people and they show more respect towards them and their children. So research shows that lower Socioeconomic status students have lower and lower academic achievement as compared with students of higher Socio-economic status. When a teacher makes a decision about students based on their class and Socio-economic status, they are taking the first step in checking students from having an equal opportunity for academic achievement. Ghazi et al. (2013). Due to teachers stigma mostly students suffered from their studies and they cannot show good performance in education. So its educators responsibility to overcome this stigma of poverty and help those students to boost up their hidden talent. Being a citizen of a developing country almost more than half of the total population is living in rural areas and they mostly belong to the low socioeconomic family. As our country is on the list of poor countries where the majority of the population belongs to low socioeconomic status. So it’s very difficult for parents to fulfil all the needs of their children. Poverty is the main problem which has a direct effect on students learning especially when it occurs early in the child’s life. When it remains throughout their life it influences child development in different ways, like the physical and mental health of the child as well as it influences on parents health also. It also influences child affective interactions. According to Karwowski (2012), Parents’ social position influences many aspects of their childrens school careers. The higher social position of parents of children with disabilities may make it easier for them to meet their costly needs, as well as to act as they support their children in contacts with educational institutions and to help them in their studies. I have also experienced this kind of situation in my school life. When I completed my secondary education with good grades, I got admission in Aga Khan higher secondary school but unfortunately, at that time, my father lost his job. At that time I had no any option to get admission even I couldn’t continue my studies and I missed one year and I felt at that time. Even I didn’t talk to my family members and it was a moment of disappointment for me and the family as well. At that time I consulted a counsellor who advised me to continue my studies in another college. After all these situations I realized the importance of socioeconomic that time I became very sad because it was very difficult for me to cope with that situation. Due to the economic crises, I had to leave my previous school which was at the top level in our area. In literature, it is also stated that parents income level is an important factor that affects the academic achievement and performance o f their children. If the parents earn good and adequate than there would be less stress for the parents as well as for their children. They will provide learning resources easily to their children. While parents with low income, they cannot afford easily their children such a learning environment which becomes a barrier in the learning process. (Ahmad. I Khan.N, 2012). In addition, low income of parents also leads to conflicts in families due to lack of access to basic needs of their children. So the students who belong to a low socioeconomic status they cannot get a quality education and they cannot access new technology facilities like the internet to get information and they are unable to acquire new technology. As in a research among the students of a university in Sargodha shows that students who are getting facilities of new technology show high grades and they show better performance as compared to those students who belong to low socioeconomic status. Azher et al,. (2013). Another factor which affects students learning and academic achievement is parents education. Educated parents can easily understand the basic needs and important resources for their children. For the progress of any individual education plays a vital role in their life. According to Ahmad and Khan (2012), parent’s education level play an important role in the academic performance of their children. Because educated parents can easily manage the difficulties in any mode of their children’s education and they know how to encourage to create interest in the academic performance. Educated parents can easily manage their timetable to check and balance their daily addition, especially mother education is very important for child development which has a big effect on a child’s performance and academic achievement. According to Lacour. M Laura. D (2011). It is stated that mother education has an important effect on children’s score rather than parents income. The mother’s educational level has 20% higher efficiency than the father’s education level on the academic achievement of students. Another negative effect of low socioeconomic status is the cognitive development of children. Most parents use alcohol and other substance like cigarettes to cope up with stress during financial crises as I encountered such a client in my neighbour who always drinks alcohol when he faces any problem. He has two children and both are not good at their studies. Both of them always missed their classes and they even cannot solve simple mathematics problems. According to Brogan (2009). The families among low socioeconomic status there are more incidents of substance abuse, which effects on their child’s cognitive development. Especially if any mothers use alcohol during pregnancy their children are more prone to attention problems and the children with premature birth develop neurological problems like mental retardation. They also cause lessened brain development. All these problems lead to learning and performance disabilities which effects on academic achievement of children. Being a nursing student it’s our responsibility to teach about the importance of education for the better development of child and family. Another important factor is parent’s income which influences a student’s performance, therefore, it is recommended that the government should take some serious initiatives to provide jobs to people and raise the socioeconomic status of people. The government should provide financial support and should give scholarship especially to those who cannot afford the expenses of education. Mass media also play an important role in the awareness among people regarding the poor literacy condition in our country on account of socioeconomic addition, we can counsel students to do extra efforts along with their studies so that they don’t have to compromise with their studies. In conclusion, I want to say that keeping the view of the above discussion there is a direct relation between socioeconomic status and students learning and academic achievement. Especially the parents income and education level which has a great impact on children academic achievement. Therefore it’s very important to raise the socioeconomic status of people so they can easily afford their children education expenses. For this, we can have interventions individually and on government level like educating parents, mass media awareness, and scholarship etc. As it is stated in a study which is conducted in International Islamic University Islamabad that socioeconomic status has a significant impact on students learning. Akhter (2012).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Parallels Between The Truman Show and Platos Allegory of the Cave Essa

Parallels Between The Truman Show and Plato's Allegory of the Cave The movie, 'The Truman Show' is about a reality television show that has been created to document the life of a man who, adopted at birth by a television network, is tricked into believing that his life, his reality, is normal and the environment that he lives is real. It is set in a town called Seahaven, which is essentially a simulation of the real world similar enough to the outside world that the viewing audience can relate to it. The town is a television studio inside an enormous dome in which the weather, the sun, the sky, and all the actions of the citizens are directed by a team of special effects people. The entire show is directed and produced by the creator of the show, Christof. Truman Burbank, the star of the show, is the only one who doesn't know that he lives in a giant studio and is surrounded by an illusion of reality. The entire world watches Truman's movements twenty four hours a day, seven days a week through the use of thousands of miniature hidden cameras. The Truman Show closely parallels Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Initially, Truman is trapped in his own 'cave'; a film set or fictional island known as Seahaven. Truman?s journey or ascension into the real world and into knowledge is similar to that of Plato?s cave dweller. Truman, much like the prisoners in the cave, would know no difference then what they have been taught or shown to be the real world their whole lives. If T...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bmgt Quiz

QUIZ # 3: BMGT 110 SECTION I 1. One or more of your colleagues encountered the quote, which follows. And at first they gave it little or no thought. It read: â€Å"[p]rovide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all†? In a couple of words what kind of statement is this: IRS Mission Statement. 2. Which type of merger is likely to receive the closest examination by the Federal Trade Commission? c. | horizontal merger| | 3.For its favorable legal climate, as well as the ease and simplicity of its incorporation process, DELAWARE is the most popular state in the USA for the incorporation of many members of the Fortune 500. 4. When the Small Business Administration (SBA) assists a small business in applying for a major loan, it acts as the lender’s ________. d. | Guarantor| | | 5. Although the average farm size has gotten ________, the majority of far mers operate as ________ businesses. | | b. | larger; small| 6. Dell Computer founder Michael Dell and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates are two well-known examples of ________. a. | social entrepreneurs| | | 7. ________ are currently the largest group of minority business owners in the United States. c. | Hispanics| 8. Apple Computer, FedEx, Staples, and many other well-known companies used ________ when they were start-ups. b. | Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) financing| 9. A credit union is an example of a(n): b. | privately held corporation| | | 10. An Acquisition agreement is one firm’s purchase of the property and obligations of another company. [And a leveraged buyout (LBO) generally entails employees, management, or a group of investors purchasing a business organization primarily through borrowing . . . ]. 11.A FRANCHISE pertains to the rights to use a specific business name and sell its inventory of goods and services in a given territory or location. 3 12. W hich form of business â€Å"ownership† has a legal entitlement for having its liability separate from that of its owner(s)’ personal assets? SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP. 13. Based on their statements, which form of business ownership was personally preferred by most of our colleagues? SOLE OWNERSHIP SECTION II 14. A colleague wants to start a business. He takes a personality test and discovers he possesses a trait that may reduce the likelihood he will succeed. Which of the following is that trait? . | none of the above. but the textbook says it is Internal Locus| 15. The EPA promotes the development of businesses focusing on clean energy. a. | Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | 16. C are specific geographic areas designated for economic revitalization. | 17. Which of the following companies has the longest and best-known record of encouraging intrapreneurship? b. | 3M| 4 18. One of our colleagues wants to start a new business but her bank will not lend her the money she needs. This colleague saw an advertisement sponsored by a business organization that provides financing for promising small companies.The organization sponsoring the advertisement would be considered a(n) ________. a. | venture capitalist| SECTION III 19. Which of the following statements is correct? b. | Dot-coms have lower costs than bricks and mortar retailers with online operations. | 20. A colleague’s company spent $50,000 to attract 10,000 online visitors to her Web site. If the conversion rate is 5 percent, her company spent ________ to attract each customer. b. | $50| 21. When it comes to using wikis—the following is recommended. a. Wertfreiheit (is of the German tongue, meaning ethical neutrality) 5 SECTION IV 22.Motivation is hereby described: as the interaction between a person or persons and a situation; it is the process by which a person or person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained toward attaining objectives and goals. Douglas McGreg or is associated with the: B. Theory X and Y 23. Maslow is associated with the: I 24. Herzberg is associated with the: M a. Theory X and Y b. Two-Factor Theory c. need for achievement (nAff) d. none of the above 25. The Three-Needs Theory (nAch; nAFF; and nPow) is associated with: e. David L. Kurtz f. Peter Drucker and his MBO. . . . g. David McClelland h. none of the above

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Write Women’s #038; Gender Studies Term Paper

How to Write Women’s #038; Gender Studies Term Paper Students who take courses in Women’s Gender Studies typically have to complete a certain number of writing assignments and a term paper is one of them. A term paper is the most extensive written assignment and is a result of a thorough investigation on a specific topic. The process of writing a term paper for college can be stressful, especially if you don’t know how to start. So, if you have no idea on how to approach your challenging Women’s Gender Studies term paper, read this article where you will find some useful advice on how to successfully cope with this complex task. We will offer you a step-by-step gender studies term paper guide. We will give you some easy tips on revising, editing, and proofreading. Besides, you will find here some interesting Women’s Gender Studies term paper topics that can serve you as a source of inspiration for choosing great term paper topics on your own. But first, let’s discuss what Women’s Gender Studies term paper is and what approaches you should use when writing this type of college paper. What Is Women’s Gender Studies Term Paper? Women’s Gender Studies program allows students to take a number of classes in a variety of college disciplines that focus on gender and deal with the experiences of women. This program is a good choice for male and female students who want to pursue their interest in social justice and gender equity and develop the skill that will help them succeed on the dynamic and ever-changing job market and meet the requirements of competitive graduate programs. Being an interdisciplinary program, Women’s Gender Studies allow students to understand how gender shapes lives, institutions, and worlds through its connections with class, race, national location, and sexuality. When writing a term paper in Women’s Gender Studies, you need to demonstrate your analytical and critical thinking skills. You also need to prove your ability to integrate and apply knowledge across a variety of disciplines. To succeed in completing this assignment, you need to examine women, gender, and sexuality from a historical and cross-cultural perspective, using the methodology and analytical tools of various disciplines such as political science, psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, anthropology, literature, and others. The structure of a term paper may differ depending on your topic – you can use a literature review style or rely on the scientific report style. Here is a general format of a term paper in Women’s Gender Studies which typically consists of the following sections: Abstract Introduction Methodology Results Discussion and conclusions References/Bibliography But in general, when choosing a format for your term paper, you have to follow your instructor’s guidelines. You can include different sections but the necessary ones are the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. Tips from Our Writers on Choosing Great Women’s Gender Studies Term Paper Topics The process of discovering a good researchable topic is very important for the success of your academic project and requires a serious approach to it. Here are some easy gender studies term paper tips on how to do it right: Try to find a great topic that you are truly interested in; Try to find your own way to approach your topic; Talk to your classmates and your instructor about your topic and ask their advice on how to cover some specific issues; A good idea is to pose your research paper topic as a problem that should be solved or as a question that has to be answered. It’s important to narrow down the topic you have chosen to make it manageable within the word count of your Women’s Gender Studies research paper. For example, if you are interested in writing about science, gender, and social inequality in the developing world, you can choose such issues as the relationship of scientific progress to colonial expansions and aspirations of nationalists or explore how technology and science have affected developing societies. To help you get started, here we have made a short list of impressive Women’s Gender Studies term paper topics. Maybe you’ll be able to find a good topic for writing your own project. The Difference Between Women’s Literature and Feminist Literature Gender and Health Inequality Violation of Human Rights in Human Trafficking Gender Roles in The Classical Civilizations The Gender Gap in Crime The Ethics of Assisted Reproduction Technologies Gender Inequality in the Workplace Women and Leadership Roles in Business Women and Transformation of Traditional Values What Roles Do Women Play in the Development of Technology? The History of Women in Science and Engineering Gendered and Racialized Language In Contemporary Media International Women’s Issues and Globalization Feminist Film Theory Technology and New Gender Relationships How to Do Effective Research for Your Gender Studies Term Paper The main goal of writing a term paper in Women’s Gender Studies is to prove your ability to conduct an effective research on your topic and provide a critique of scholarly sources through a written project. Remember that you should demonstrate that you are able to synthesize multi-disciplinary approaches to the subject of your term paper and examine social and cultural issues from the gender perspective, taking into consideration other differences between people as well. When doing a research, you should consider relevant primary and secondary sources on your subject as well as artifacts. You should use articles from scholarly journals and critical books that are related to Women’s Gender Studies as well as general and interdisciplinary ones. Check your university library and electronic databases to find good sources for your term paper. Your instructor can provide you with a list of possible sources as well. Besides this, you need to find good primary sources related to women’s history to provide convincing evidence for your argument – letters and diaries, newspapers and magazines, photographs and documentary films, original texts written by women etc. You should look for such sources in archives. As you read, you should write some useful notes that you can use for writing your term paper and keep track of all your sources. This information will help you to properly cite your references and create a bibliography page. You can keep your notes on separate pieces of paper, cards or in a spreadsheet. How to Organize the Writing Process When you have gathered enough relevant materials, you should plan your writing. You have to define a working thesis and organize your ideas. You can use different techniques to plan your writing: Make an outline; Create a cluster or a diagram; List supporting arguments; Identify the pros and cons. Create an Outline You can choose any technique you like, but the best way to organize the writing process is to create a detailed working outline that will help you develop a logical and coherent structure for your term paper. In this way, you can ensure that you will stay focused when writing and save a lot of time when translating your ideas into words and sentences. When you have an outline, you can actually start writing your Women’s Gender Studies term paper from any section because you’ll have a clear picture of what to include in your paper and it will also help you at the revising stage. Here is what you should do to make an outline for your term paper. First, create a strong thesis statement that will summarize the main point of your paper and preview the supporting points as well. The thesis statement presents the major idea that you will argue in your term paper and will guide your writing. If you fail in creating a well-thought thesis statement, your term paper is likely to look jumbled and will not have a clear purpose. For example, if your term paper is dedicated to ethical issues of assisted reproductive technologies, your thesis statement can be like this one: ‘Assisted reproductive technologies that are used to treat infertility can raise complicated ethical issues for human participants, health care professionals, and the whole society.’ Next, you should think about the key points that you’ll need to include in your paper to support your thesis statement. These key points will be sub-headings in your outline. You need to organize all the information that you have gathered under these sub-headings. Keep in mind that you have to include only relevant information that supports your argument and fits the framework of your Women’s Gender Studies research paper outline. Write a Draft When you have planned your ideas, you need to start writing the first draft of your academic paper. At this stage, you should refer back to your notes and the outline but don’t be afraid to make changes when needed. You should get your ideas to paper and concentrate on organizing all your information logically. You don’t have to think about grammar and spelling too much. It’s the first draft and you’ll need to do several revisions to improve the content. You will check grammar and spelling mistakes when you finish the final draft. Now your task is to develop the topic of your Women’s Gender Studies term paper with enough detail for your purpose and audience. When writing an introduction, you should grab your audience’s attention and make your readers want to read the rest of your term paper. Here is what you can include in your introductory section: A description of the problem, a statement of the purpose of your paper, questions that need to be answered, and your thesis statement; A broader context for your specific topic; A review of the existing literature in the field; Explanation of terms and definitions. The structure of the main body depends on your objective. There are no general rules to determine how many chapters your Women’s Gender Studies term paper should include and which specific aspects you have to consider. You should build your paper around the points you want to make and integrate the sources into your discussion. Here are some tips on how you can do it: Divide your text into sections/subsections. Each section has to present the main point in the argument and the relevant information; Make sure that each chapter has a clear structure; Develop a convincing argument step-by-step and do it in a comprehensive manner; Don’t just report your sources but summarize, explain, analyze, and evaluate each source; Back your arguments with quotations and make sure you explain and each quotation; Present your own opinion and give reasons for all your ideas; Provide references to all literature. In the conclusion, you may summarize the argument of your paper for your readers. You can also explain the significance of your findings and consider limitations and strengths of your work. Besides, you can make suggestions for further research. In general, your conclusion should leave your audience with a feeling that it was worthwhile to read your piece of writing and stimulate further thinking. The style of your writing should be objective and precise and you should avoid repetitions and passive constructions. Revising, Editing, Proofreading When your first draft is finished, you need to review it and make changes to improve the content and the logic of your Women’s Gender Studies term paper. Actually, revision is done to ensure that your argument is logical and clear and that they can easily follow it. You should check the overall organization of your paper and organization of all paragraphs: a logical flow of the introduction, coherence of the discussion in the main body, sequence of ideas in the paragraphs, use of transitions in the paragraphs and between them. During editing, you need to improve the sentence structure and the word choice and correct grammar and spelling. When your final draft is ready, you need to proofread it – fix minor grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors and check documentation – consistent use of one citation style, appropriate use of references in text, and accuracy of a list of works cited.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

why smoking is hazordous essays

why smoking is hazordous essays In this report I will tell you the dangers of smoking. Smoking is one of the most preventable causes of death in our society. About one in five deaths in the US are results from using tobacco. More then half of all tobacco uses die much earlier then their normal life expectancy. Smokers could be losing an average of 20 to 25 years of their life. Smoking has numerous other effects as well. It leaves you reeking of smoke, yellows your teeth and hands, can give u respiratory and cardiovascular problems, and cause you to leave on the street due to the fact that your broke. Smoking is an expensive habit. The average cost of a pack is $3.00 and the average smoker smokes a pack a day. In one year thats wasting about $1095 or more a year! Thats a lot of money. The Tobacco industry makes billions of dollars each year off addicted smokers. The company adds nicotine, which is addictive to their cigarettes to try and prevent you from not buying their products. The nicotine can raise your blood pressure, heart rate, and the oxygen demand for muscles, mainly in the heart. This causes you to need deeper breaths after running or physical exercise and lessens your ability to perform well during sport activities. Second-hand smoke also affects others as well as you. Secondhand smoke comes from two places; smoke breathed out by the person who smokes, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette. Secondhand smoke causes health effects, including cancer, breathing problems, and asthma. Secondhand smoke contains thousands of chemicals and majority of them are posions. Secondhand smoke is responsible for between 150,000 and 300,000 respiratory infections in infants and children under 18 months. Around the same number of adults occur similar problems each year. About 37,000 non-smokers die each year because of it. A person who doesnt smoke married to a smoker has a 30% greater chance of getting lung cancer than the wife/husband of ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Intercultural Communication Gap Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Intercultural Communication Gap - Assignment Example Canadian people do not like any exaggeration in their discussion and that is why they do not like people who do not discuss the point matter. The Communication styles of African people are quite relaxing, just as if these Mozambican may not start their meeting at the particular fix time. It does not mean that they are not punctual rather they are not that much strict in the professional matters. The Mozambican people love to talk to each other irrespective of the fact that they know him or her or not. It is an obligation for them to greet any person whom they meet during their daytime. The discussions and the meetings always start with the formal talks and end with the informal and family conversation. Socializing and building relationships is most important and top priority fact for the Mozambican people. For this reason, they can even negotiate the formal and professional matters. According to the research of different cultures, it is clear that there are many points of differences between the Canadian and the Mozambican cultures. There are many of the theories, which can explain these intercultural conflicting issues and the differences. Power Distance: the theory of power distance means that the people living in any society are not at all equal to each other with respect to different factors and elements. Therefore, the power distance means the gap between the people having different levels of authority. By comparing two cultures, it is quite evident that Mozambican is a highly hierarchal society where people are treated according to their individuality and the status. On the other side, Canadian society has less power distance, which means that people are more dependent upon each other. If we talk about the failure of the dinner party, then this power distance conflict can be one of the main reasons.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Article summary Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Summary - Article Example finally that CBPR would seek balance between community members and researchers/practitioners through shared co-teaching, leadership, co-learning opportunities and therefore benefit from the expertise of both community practitioners and researchers. Participatory action research was suitable for this patient population because this kind of research is especially appropriate for public health nurses working with populations and communities since it offers a framework that builds upon local community knowledge, enabling the public health nurses as well as their community partners to be sensitive not only to the culture but also ecological context. Secondly participatory action research also serves as a useful guide in development of programs suitable for promoting healthy communities and health equality. Thirdly, this kind of research also allows socio-cultural contexts, systems, and meaning to emerge through a collaborative process between community members and public health nurses. Fourthly, early research in substance use provided a firm foundation for community participation .Participation action research is also very important in the acquisition of local community’s knowledge of substance nonuse and use so as to provide a richer understanding of the health-related needs and assets of the community, environment and circumstances surrounding substance-related illness and health, population and community conditions, beliefs, attitudes as well as traditions directed toward substance nonuse or use-related health risk behaviors. Some of the unique benefits of this study revolve around the unique strategies utilized in the community participation such as mapping (Geographic Information Systems) (GIS), and Photovoice (picture-taking by members of the community as well as researchers and practitioners).GIS as a tool enables assessment and analysis of the ecological context of a population together with phenomena such as youth substance nonuse and use within a